Thursday, March 31, 2005 | 10:36 AM
Sejarah Bahasa Gaul
Nih Yee... Ucapan ini terkenal di tahun 1980-an, kalau tidak salah tepatnya November 1985 pertama kali di ucapkan oleh pelawak Diran, kemudian dijadikan bahan lelucon oleh Euis Darliah...
Memble dan Kece Ini adalah ciptaan khas Jaja Mihardja, di tahun 1986 kemudian di mainkan dalam Film Memble tapi Kece yang diperankan oleh Jaja Mihardja sendiri dan Dorce Gamalama.
Booo........ Ini ucapan populer di pertengahan awal 90-an, pertama dipoplerkan oleh grup GSP, kalau nggak salah Hennyta Tarigan dan Rina Gunawan yang pertama kali mengucapkan, kemudian kata-kata ini pernah di ucapkan dalam lenong rumpi, tapi kata- kata ini populer dalam lingkungan pergaulan di kalangan artis, Titi DJ-lah orang benar-benar mempopulerkan ucapan ini.
Nek... Setelah kata-kata Boo... tak lama kemudian muncul kata-kata Nek... bagi generasi yang SMA- nya di pertengahan 90-an pasti mengalami bagaimana populernya kata-kata ini, Ucapan Nek...pertama kali di ucapkan oleh Budi Hartadi seorang remaja di kawasan kebayoran yang tinggal sama neneknya, makanya dia sering ngucapin Nek... kebetulan dia latah jadinya setiap ngomong dia ngucapin lo mau ke menong, Nek itu contohnya si Budi kalo ngomong ke temennya, si Budi ini seneng gaul di wilayah Tjokro, Menteng ...nah kebetulan ada banci menteng yang denger, kemudian si Banci itu ngikutin kata-kata si Budi, so... banyak Banci ngomong gaya Budi, jadi banyak orang mengira kata-kata ini di populerkan oleh para Banci.
Jayus Di akhir dekade 90-an dan di awal abad 21, ucapan Jayus sangat populer, kata ini artinya lawakan yang nggak lucu, garing atawa tingkah laku yang mau ngelucu tapi nggak lucu orang yang mengucapkan ini adalah kelompok anak SMU yang bergaul di kita! ran Kemang, konon ada seseorang bernama Herman Setiabudhi, dia dipanggil temen-temennya Jayus, soalnya Bapaknya bernama Jayus Kelana seorang pelukis di kawasan Blok M. Si Herman alias Jayus ini kalau ngelawak nggak pernah lucu, temannya yang bernama Sonny Hassan alias Oni Acan sering ngomentarin tiap lawakan yang nggak lucu dengan celetukan Jayus, ucapan Oni Acan inilah yang kemudian diikuti tongkrongannya di daerah Sajam, Kemang lalu kemudian merambat populer di lingkungan PL, dan anak-anak SMU sekitar Melawai. Puncaknya pas ada acara PL Fair2000 kata-kata Jayus ini banyak di ucapkan.
Jaim Ucapan Jaim ini di populerkan oleh Bapak Drs.Sutoko Purwosasmito, seorang pejabat di sebuah departemen, yang selalu mengucapkan kepada anak buahnya untuk menjaga tingkah laku, pada suatu hari Pak Pur, begitu ia sering dipanggil, berpidato di hadapan anak buahnya untuk Jaim, inilah kutipan kata-katanya saudara-saudara sebagai pegawai negeri kita harus Jaim, apa itu Jaim Jaim itu yah...Jaga Imej itulah awal kata- kata Jaim itu populer, kemudian seorang anak buah Pak Pur, Bapak Dharmawan Sutanto, yang punya anak bernama Santi Indraswara, pernah memarahi Santi untuk gak terlalu ngumbar ama temen-temen cowoknya San...kamu kalo jadi cewek harus Jaim..!!!! Santi bengong dengan muka begonya dia nanya Pa...Jaim it! u apa seh..? Pak Dhar langsung keluar kamar Santi sembari ngomong Jaim itu Jaga Imej... Santi yang masih bengong cuman ngucapin ooooh. Nah hari seninnya Santi pas upacara bendera dia ditugaskan jadi pembaca UUD 1945, diakhir kata dia gak sengaja ngucapin Jaim doooong........ Kepala Sekolahnya langsung noleh ke Santi dan nanya ke Santi apa tuh Jaim Santi dengan santai jawab Jaga Imej...Pak eh Kepala Sekolah dengan muka bego juga cuman ngucapin Ooohh..
Gitu Loooooooooohhh........(GL) Kata GL pertama kali diucapin oleh Gina Natasha seorang remaja SMP di kawasan Kebayoran, Gina ini punya kakak bernama Ronny Baskara seorang pekerja event organizer, nah si Ronny ini punya temen kantor bernama Siska Utami, pada suatu saat Siska bertandang ke rumah Ronny, pas dia ketemu si Gina, Siska nanya Kakakmu mana si Gina ngejawab di kamar, Gitu Loooohhh.. terus pas di tanya lagi Eh Gina kelas berapa ! sekarang si Gina ngejawab Kelas dua SMP Gitu looohhh.. Yah namanya tamu, Siska trus nanya Gina, kalau yang benerin genteng bocor siapa seh? Gina ngejawab Siapa aja ..Gitu Looohhh sampai sebelas pertanyaan selanjutnya si Gina ngejawb dengan kata-kata Gitu Looohh... Esoknya si Siska di kantor ikut-ikutan latah dia ngucapin kata Gitu Loooohhh...di tiap akhir kalo dia ngomong.
Lembaga Penelitian Bahasa Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Wednesday, March 30, 2005 | 12:19 PM
Cinta Tidak Menunggu Seseorang Mengatakannya
Alkisah ada seorang pria yang menyimpan perasaan pada teman gadisnya.Hingga kemudian pada saat pernikahannya, ia memutuskan untuk mengatakan perasaan yang sebenarnya pada gadis itu. Namun gadis itu akhirnya hanya menganggap itu hanyalah sebuah canda.
Dan ada seorang pria yang ingin mengatakan pada istrinya betapa ia mencintainya, namun ia tidak pernah mengatakannya, hingga istrinya itu meninggal dunia. Pria itu hingga sekarang terus meletakkan bunga diatas batu nisannya. Dengan ciuman dan kata-kata "AKU CINTA KAMU." Entah apakah istrinya mengetahui hal itu?
Saat ini ada seorang gadis yang selalu ingin merasakan hangatnya pelukan kasih sayang ayahnya, tapi ia malu untuk mengatakannya. Hingga pada suatu hari ayahnya tak mungkin memeluknya lagi...
Banyak kisah yang terjadi setiap harinya, dan kita mungkin menyadari semua itu. Apa yang telah terjadi kemarin, tak mungkin kembali... tapi apakah kita bisa memastikan apa yang akan terjadi besok?
Pikirkanlah tentang sesuatu yang ingin kita katakan dan jangahlah kita selalu menunggu saat yang tepat? Katakanlah cinta dan kasih sayang itu.
Jika kau meninggalkan pesta yang ramai dan berjalan bersama, hanya berdua dengan seseorang... itulah cinta.
Ketika kau bersama seseorang, dan kau seringkali mendiamkannya. Tapi ketika ia tak bersamamu dan kau mencarinya... saat itulah kau merasakan cinta.
Jika ada seseorang yang selalu membuatmu tertawa, menatapmu penuh perhatian dan ingin selalu pergi bersamanya. Kau sedang jatuh cinta.
Ketika kau melihat sebuah foto bersama, dan kau mencari seseorang yang special...(untuk mengetahui siapa yang berada disampingya difoto itu) lalu kau membayangkan dirimu yang ada disana... yakinlah kau sedang jatuh cinta.
Ketika kau tidak menerima telepon saat kau sibuk belajar, tapi tak mampu menahan diri saat seseorang menelponmu... saat itulah kau sedang jatuh cinta.
Jika kau lebih tertarik menerima sebuah surat pendek dari seseorang daripada surat-surat lain yang panjang... kau sedang jatuh cinta.
Ketika kau mendapat tiket gratis untuk berdua, dan kau tak ragu-ragu mengajak seseorang, kau sedang jatuh cinta.
Kau terus mengatakan kami hanyalah teman biasa, tapi kau sadar kau tak bisa melepaskan diri darinya... saat itulah kau merasakan cinta.
Cinta bukanlah sesuatu yang buruk dan semua bergantung pada kita bagaimana menginginkannya. Berbagilah, dan katakanlah kepada orang-orang yang berarti bagimu....
What a wonderfull thing!!
Thursday, March 24, 2005 | 10:31 PM
My 29th Birthday
Wah.. hari ini termasuk hari yang bersejaran nih.. Ulang tahun terakhir saya berkepala 2. Tahun depan saya harus siap-siap jadi orang kepala 3 nih..
Suami yg lagi dinas keluar kota belum juga telp atau SMS. Jangan-jangan dia lupa seperti tahun lalu lagi.. Sudah lah.. Mungkin masih sibuk. Lagian, dia juga nggak terlalu hafal hari ini tanggal berapa, ada perayaan apa, dsb. Saya sih maklum aja. Yang penting, kado-nya harus ada (maunya tuh..).
Kebetulan saya nginep di rumah orang tua saya bersama Akila. Pagi-pagi sudah terhidang nasi kuning lengkap dengan asesorisnya plus kue ulang tahun. Sebelum berangkat, kita sama-sama sarapan dan tiup lilin. Seperti biasa, Akila menawarkan diri menjadi volunter untuk acara tiup lilin.
Sampai di kantor, kerjaan setumpuk sudah menanti. Saya berusaha ngebut supaya jam 18.00 bisa teng-go. Mama saya sudah arrange dinner untuk memperingati hari ulang tahun saya.
Ternyata.. oh ternyata.. kerjaan yang begitu banyak tidak bisa saya selesaikan tepat waktu. Saya absent dulu deh.. bunyi SMS saya yang saya kirimkan ke adik saya. Tepat jam 20.15 saya baru bisa bernafas lega dan pulang. Saya sempatkan say hi via telp pada orang tua saya yang tetap menyelenggarakan acara makan malam memperingati ulang tahun saya bersama adik-adik saya dan pasangannya.
Biarpun saya tidak bisa datang, terima kasih atas perhatian dan kadonya ya...
Wednesday, March 23, 2005 | 1:46 PM
Wulan Syndrome
Hhhmmm.. Nggak kerasa, udah hari Rabu (hari tengah Minggu). Nggak tau kenapa, rasa malasss yang kerap datang saat di kantor sulit saya hindari. Badan dan otot serasa lemas, tidak bergairah, ngantuk, mata kriyep-kriyep, kepala berat.. Itulah yang saya rasakan saat ini.
Seorang teman dari Milis Dunia Ibu, Meli Luthfi (yg lebih dikenal dgn sebutan Meli seksi) sudah sangat paham dgn keadaan saya seperti ini. Kadang saya hanya mem-Buzz ke YM-nya hanya untuk mendeskripsikan keadaan tubuh saya. Saking seringnya, Meli akhirnya menjuluki penyakit malas saya dengan "Wulan Syndrome"
Friday, March 04, 2005 | 2:38 PM
A Little Tenderness For Him
Setiap hubungan pasti butuh percikan baru yang dapat terus membangkitkan gelora cinta. Pastinya jangan biarkan api asmara Anda makin meredup. Ayo, segera ambil aksi!
Pria tak melulu gemar hal-hal yang keras dan macho. Ternyata, mereka juga merindukan kasih sayang, apapun bentuknya, dari Anda. Ternyata, aksi mesra yang terdengar sepele pun bisa berfungsi sebagai ‘lem perekat’ hubungan cinta agar terus awet dan bertahan lama. “Saat terjadi masalah, langkah-langkah sederhana justru kerap ampuh untuk memuluskan hubungan,” ucap Joan Elizabeth Lloyd, penulis Naughty Secrets.
Tak perlu berpikir muluk dan memeras otak untuk melakukan aksi cinta yang heboh. Cukup dengan sentuhan lembut yang mampu membangkitkan hati Anda untuk mengucap, “I love you”, misalnya. Atau, gunakan sensitivitas Anda untuk mendeteksi keinginan si dia. Coba lihat daftar aksi yang bisa Anda berikan kepada pasangan hasil rangkuman Cosmo dari berbagai sumber ini. Tunggu saja, sebentar lagi “efek domino” akan bekerja. Tak hanya ampuh membuat cinta makin erat, aksi sederhana ini bisa menggugah sisi sensitif si dia. Mudah!
* Berikan sebuah kecupan mesra di bagian belakang lehernya saat Anda lewat di belakang sofa tempatnya duduk. “Arti sebuah sentuhan lembut ini sama sekali tak mengarah seksual. Tapi, hasilnya tetap bisa menunjukkan rasa sayang Anda kepada pasangan dan mendongkrak kemesraan Anda berdua,” kata Lloyd. * Khusus untuk yang sudah menikah, letakkan secangkir kopi hangat di samping tempat tidur sebagai hadiah kejutan. “Begitu suami bangun, harumnya aroma kopi pasti membuat ia bergairah untuk memulai hari yang baru,” kata Rebecca Fuller Ward, penulis How To Stay Married Without Going Crazy. * Ketika si dia uring-uringan karena ada masalah, tawarkan bantuan kepadanya. “Mengorbankan waktu dan energi Anda yang sangat berharga itu akan menunjukkan kalau Anda selalu ingin membuat pasangan bahagia,” kata Mara Goodman Davies, penulis A Year Of Romance. * Ajak pacar untuk melakukan kegiatan bersama. “Hanyut dalam sebuah kegiatan yang sama dapat menguatkan gairah keintiman diantara Anda berdua,” kata Stan J. Katz, Ph.D., psikolog klinis dari Beverly Hills, Amerika Serikat.
| 1:44 PM
Chocolate: To your health!
You're dying for a piece of chocolate. You close your eyes and can almost feel it melting on your tongue, can almost taste its sweet richness. But you promised yourself you'd eat more nutritiously. So you ignore your craving as best you can, even though it seems to grow stronger by the minute.
Give it up. No, not the chocolate, the struggle. Go ahead and indulge, occasionally. Deprivation tends to lead to overeating. And besides, studies of chocolate consumption show that not only is there room in a healthy diet for moderate amounts of the sweet stuff, but it may even have some merit.
How sweet it is
Researchers have discovered numerous benefits of chocolate in recent years. So peel the foil off a little piece of heaven and read on:
- Harvard researchers found that of 7,800 men who participated in a study, those who ate candy one to three times a month lived longer than those who almost never ate candy. The researchers didn't ask what kind of candy the men ate, but they speculated that many chose chocolate. If that's true, the explanation for the results of the study may be that a 1.5 ounce piece of chocolate contains the same amount of the heart-protecting antioxidant phenol as a glass of red wine. Consumption of red wine has been shown to lower your risk of coronary heart disease, although there's as yet no such proof for chocolate. In the Harvard study, eating candy more often was not as beneficial.
- Catechins, antioxidants found in black tea, are believed to help boost the immune system and prevent heart disease. Dutch researchers say that dark chocolate contains four times more catechins than black tea.
- Chocolate contains small amounts of caffeine and larger amounts of theobromine, a similar substance. Both are xanthines that, quickly absorbed by your body, mildly stimulate your central nervous system, speed up your heart a bit and increase your alertness. Yet there's not enough stimulant to cost you any sleep.
- Concerns about tooth decay may be reduced because chocolate seems to contain an antibacterial agent that inhibits plaque formation.
- Even the fat in chocolate isn't as bad as it could be. More than half the saturated fat is stearic acid, which doesn't raise cholesterol. Also, the fat in chocolate contains alpha-tocopherol, a form of vitamin E.
- Contrary to popular belief, small amounts of chocolate don't cause migraines or acne.
Crave away
It won't surprise you chocolate lovers that chocolate is the most craved of all foods. Some 40 percent of women and 15 percent of men report having chocolate cravings. For women, the cravings typically come just before menstruation. Researchers reporting in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association believe that chocolate's appeal is a combination of its nutrients and chemical composition, as well as its fat and sugar. It doesn't hurt that chocolate melts just at or below body temperature, creating that delicious ooze when you place it on your tongue.
Chocolate cravings are real, and for many people, the craving can't be satisfied by any other food. So why fight it? There can be room for chocolate in a healthy diet. Buy a small amount of your favorite and eat it slowly, savoring every bite. And have a sweet day.
| 10:58 AM
About the Medicines You Are Taking
Information provided by Micromedex
New drugs: From idea to marketplace
To be sold legitimately in the United States, new drugs must pass through a rigorous system of approval specified in the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and supervised by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Except for certain drugs subject to other regulatory provisions, no new drug for human use may be marketed in this country unless the FDA has approved a "New Drug Application" (NDA) for it.
The Idea The creation of a new drug usually starts with an idea. Most likely that idea results from the study of a disease or group of symptoms. Ideas can also come from observations of clinical research. This may involve many years of study, or the idea may occur from an accidental discovery in a research laboratory. Some may be coincidental discoveries, as in the case of penicillin.
Idea development takes place most often in the laboratory of a pharmaceutical company, but may also happen in laboratories at research institutions like the National Institutes of Health, at medical centers and universities, or in the laboratory of a chemical company.
Animal testing A new drug is first tested on animals to help determine how toxic the substance may be. Most drugs interfere in some way with normal body functions. These animal studies are designed to discover the degree of that interference and the extent of the toxic effects.
After successful animal testing, perhaps over several years, the sponsors of the new drug apply to the FDA for an Investigational New Drug (IND) application. This status allows the drug to be tested in humans. As part of their request, the sponsoring manufacturer must submit the results of the animal studies, plus a detailed outline of the proposed human testing and information about the researchers that will be involved.
Human testing Drug testing in humans usually consists of three consecutive phases. "Informed consent" must be secured from all volunteers participating in this testing.
Phase I testing is most often done on young, healthy adults. This testing is done on a relatively small number of subjects, generally between 20 and 80. Its purpose is to learn more about the biochemistry of the drug: how it acts on the body and how the body reacts to it. The procedure differs for some drugs, however. For example, Phase I testing of cancer drugs involves actual cancer patients from the beginning of testing.
During Phase II, small controlled clinical studies are designed to test the effectiveness and relative safety of the drug. These are done on closely monitored patients who have the disease for which the drug is being tested. Their numbers seldom go beyond 100 to 200 patients. Some volunteers for Phase II testing who have severely complicated conditions may be excluded.
A "control" group of people of comparable physical and disease types is used in double-blind, controlled experiments for most drugs. These experiments are conducted by medical investigators thoroughly familiar with the disease and this type of research. In a double-blind experiment, the patient, the health professional, and other personnel do not know whether the patient is receiving the drug being tested, another active drug, or no medicine at all (a placebo or "sugar pill"). This helps eliminate bias and assures the accuracy of results. The findings of these tests are statistically analyzed to determine whether they are "significant" or due to chance alone.
Phase III consists of larger studies. This testing is performed after effectiveness of the drug has been established and is intended to gather additional evidence of effectiveness for specific uses of the drug. These studies also help discover adverse drug reactions that may occur with the drug. Phase III studies involve a few hundred to several thousand patients who have the disease the drug is intended to treat.
Patients with additional diseases or those receiving other therapy may be included in later Phase II and Phase III studies. They would be expected to be representative of certain segments of the population who would receive the drug following approval for marketing.
Final approval When a sponsor believes the investigational studies on a drug have shown it to be safe and effective in treating specific conditions, a New Drug Application (NDA) is submitted to the FDA. This application is accompanied by all the documentation from the company's research, including complete records of all the animal and human testing. This documentation can run to many thousands of pages.
The NDA and its documentation must then be reviewed by FDA physicians, pharmacologists, chemists, statisticians, and other professionals experienced in evaluating new drugs. Proposed labeling information for the physician and pharmacist is also screened for accuracy, completeness, and conformity to FDA-approved wording.
Regulations call for the FDA to review an NDA within 180 days. This period may be extended if additional data is required and, in some cases, may take several years. When all research phases are considered, the actual time it takes from idea to marketplace may be 8 to 10 years or even longer. However, for drugs representing major therapeutic advances, FDA may "fast-track" the approval process to try to get those drugs to patients who need them as soon as possible.
After approval After a drug is marketed, the manufacturer must inform the FDA of any unexpected side effects or toxicity that comes to its attention. Consumers and health care professionals have an important role in helping to identify any previously unreported effects. If new evidence indicates that the drug may present an "imminent hazard," the FDA can withdraw approval for marketing or add new information to the drug's labeling at any time.
Generic drugs After a new drug is approved for marketing, a patent will generally protect the financial interests of the drug's developer for a number of years. The traditional protection period is for 17 years. In reality, however, the period is much less due to the extended period of time needed to gain approval before marketing can begin. Recognizing that a considerable part of a drug's patent life may be tied up in the approval process, in 1984 the U.S. Congress passed a law providing patent extension for drugs whose commercial sale may have been unduly delayed by the approval process.
Any manufacturer can apply for permission to produce and market a drug after the patent for the drug has expired. Following a procedure called an Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA), the applicant must show that its product has a comparable potency and effect to the original product. Although the extensive clinical testing completed by the originator during the drug's development does not have to be repeated, comparative testing between the products must be done.
Drug names Every drug must have a nonproprietary name, a name that is available for each manufacturer to use. These names are commonly called generic names.
The FDA requires the generic name of a drug product to be placed on its labeling. However, manufacturers often use brand names in promoting their products. In general, brand names are shorter and easier to use than the corresponding generic name. The manufacturer then emphasizes its brand name (which cannot be used by anyone else) in advertising and other promotions.
Often, the consumer may not realize that a brand name drug is also available under other brand names or by generic name. Ask your pharmacist if you have any questions about the names of your medicines.
Drug quality After an NDA or an ANDA has been approved for a product, the manufacturer must then meet all requirements relating to production. These include the FDA's current Good Manufacturing Practice regulations and any applicable standards relating to strength, quality, purity, packaging, and labeling that are established by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP).
Routine product testing by the manufacturer is required by the Good Manufacturing Practice regulations of the FDA (the FDA itself does not routinely test all products, except in cases where there is a suspicion that something may be wrong). In addition to governmental requirements, drug products must meet public standards of strength, quality, and purity that are developed by USP. In order to market their products, all manufacturers in the United States must meet USP-established standards unless they specifically choose not to meet the standards for a particular product. In this case, that product's label must state that it is "not USP" and how it differs from USP standards (this occurs very rarely).
Differences in drug products Although standards to ensure strength, quality, purity, and bioequivalence (comparable potency and effect) exist, the standards allow for variations in certain factors that may produce other differences from product to product. These product variations may be important to some patients, since not all patients are "equivalent." For example, the size, shape, and coating may vary and, therefore, be harder or easier for some patients to swallow; an oral liquid will taste good to some patients and bad to others; one manufacturer may use lactose as an inactive ingredient in its product, while another product may contain a different inactive ingredient; one product may contain sugar or alcohol while another product does not.
In deciding to use one therapeutically equivalent product over another, consumers should keep the following in mind:
Consider convenience factors of drug products (for example, ease of taking a particular dosage form). Don't overlook the convenience of the package. The package must protect the drug in accordance with USP requirements, but packages can be quite different in their ease of carrying, storing, opening, and measuring.
If you have an allergy or any type of dietary restriction, you need to be aware of the "inactive" ingredients that may be present in different medicines. These inactive ingredients may vary from product to product.
Price is always a consideration. The price difference between products (e.g., different brands, or brands versus generics) may be a major factor in the overall price of a prescription. Talk to your pharmacist about price considerations. Some states require that the pharmacist dispense exactly what is prescribed. However, other states allow the pharmacist to dispense less expensive medicines when appropriate.
Aside from differences in the drug product, there are many other factors that may influence the effectiveness of a medicine. For example, your diet, body chemistry, medical conditions, or other drugs you are taking may affect how much of a dose of a particular medicine gets into the body.
For the majority of drugs, slight differences in the amount of drug made available to the body will not make any therapeutic difference. For other drugs, the precise amount that gets into the body is more critical. For example, some heart or epilepsy medicines may create problems for the patient if the dose delivered to the body varies for some reason.
For those drugs in the critical category, it is a good idea to stay on the specific product you started on. Changes should only be made after a consultation with the health care professional who prescribed the medicine.
If you feel that a certain batch of your medicine is more potent or does not work as well as other batches, or if you have other questions, check with your health care professional.
| 10:43 AM
Food Pyramid: The Shape of a Healthy Diet
Perhaps you've noticed that the days of the four basic food groups - dairy, meat, vegetables and fruit - are long gone. Today, healthy eating plans encompass a far wider range of options: legumes, whole grains, seeds and nuts, fish, and even plant oils, such as olive oil. Add in ethnic, religious, cultural and personal preferences, and you have more options than ever when planning healthy meals and snacks.
A healthy eating plan can be illustrated many ways, but they're most often found in the shape of a pyramid. These pyramids outline various food groups and food choices that, if eaten in the right quantities, form the foundation of a healthy diet.
Is there an ideal eating plan?
Many people yearn for - and spend a lot of time and money seeking - the perfect eating plan. An ideal diet would assure excellent health, provide energy and strength, and promote resistance to some diseases. It would delay aging and keep you at your ideal weight.
Does such an eating plan exist? Probably not. Your nutritional needs differ at different stages of life, and they may change if you have a chronic disease. Everyone has unique genetic tendencies toward certain diseases, so food components such as salt or fats pose different risks for different people. Food intolerances and allergies also affect what kind of food you eat. In addition, such factors as your culture, family background, religious and moral beliefs, and the cost and the availability of food can all affect your food choices. People like different foods and prepare similar foods in different ways.
The pyramid plan
Although there really isn't one perfect diet for everyone, some general principles for choosing foods apply to most people. These principles are often represented in a food pyramid.
The triangular shape of the pyramid shows you where to focus when selecting foods. Foods that you should eat the most of create the large base of the pyramid, and those foods you should eat sparingly form the smaller tip.
Probably the most familiar food pyramid is the Food Guide Pyramid, established by the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Human Services. But many others now exist, including the Asian, Latin American and Mediterranean Diet Pyramids, the Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid, and the Vegetarian Diet Pyramid, just to name a few.
These food pyramids have much in common, and you can use any of them as a basis for healthy eating. They follow the same premise of variety, portion control and moderation in eating. Most follow these basic principles:
Eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Reduce saturated fat and cholesterol. Limit sugar and salt. Drink alcoholic beverages in moderation, if at all. Eat moderate-sized portions. Include physical activity in your daily routine.
Focus on food groups
Your body requires certain nutrients, such as protein, carbohydrates and fiber, to function properly. Since no single food provides all of the nutrients that your body needs, eating a wide variety of foods ensures that you get the necessary nutrients and other substances that promote good health.
In general, food pyramids present these types of food:
Fruits. From apricots to oranges, fruits are great sources of vitamins and minerals and soluble fiber. Except for a few varieties - such as coconuts - they're low in fat and calories. Vegetables. Like fruits, vegetables are great sources of vitamins, minerals and fiber. If you don't smother them in cream sauces, butter or dips, vegetables are low in fat and calories. Grains. Breads, pasta, rice, noodles, couscous, polenta, bulgur and other grains are your main sources of carbohydrates. Most are low in fat. Choose whole grains as much as possible for more fiber and a wider variety of nutrients. Dairy products. Milk, cheese, eggs, yogurt and other dairy products are good sources of calcium, protein and other vitamins and minerals. However, these foods can be high in cholesterol, fat and calories, so choose low-fat versions. Meat and beans. Meat, poultry and fish provide protein and are good sources of B vitamins, iron and zinc. However, some types of meat may be high in cholesterol, fat and calories. Legumes - such as soybeans, black beans, split peas and lentils - are good substitutes for meat because they provide protein and also have added fiber, without the extra cholesterol, fat and calories. Fats, oils and sweets. These types of foods - which include salad dressings, sour cream, and margarine along with cakes, cookies, ice cream and pastries - are high in fat and calories.
So what's the difference?
Although all food pyramids reflect the same general principles of healthy eating, they demonstrate different food choices. These differences reflect personal preferences, dietary patterns, food availability and cultural eating patterns. For example, some pyramids, such as the Latin American Diet Pyramid, might include tortillas and cornmeal within the grains food group, whereas another, such as the Asian Diet Pyramid, might emphasize noodles and rice.
Another difference is in the food groups themselves. For example, some pyramids group plant-based proteins - soybeans, beans and nuts - separately from animal proteins found in meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products. This is because animal proteins are often higher in fat and cholesterol, and some diets limit animal proteins, placing them toward the top of the pyramid.
These six pyramids also differ in how they address servings. The Food Guide Pyramid recommends a daily number of servings from each food group. And it specifically defines serving sizes, for example, a serving of rice is 1/2 cup and a serving of milk is 1 cup.
But other food pyramids offer more general guidelines, such as eating particular foods at every meal, or on a weekly or monthly basis. For example, the Latin American Diet Pyramid recommends that you eat whole grains, vegetables and fruits at every meal but eat red meat, sweets and eggs once a week or less.
No matter which pyramid diet you follow, remember to select a variety of foods from each food group and focus on those groups toward the bottom of the pyramid.
How to use a food pyramid
To see how your diet matches up to any of these pyramids, keep a food diary for several days. Then compare how much of your diet comes from the bottom of the pyramid and how much comes from the top. If you're top-heavy, work your way toward the bottom by making small, gradual changes, such as eating more vegetables, fruits and whole grains and limiting fats and sweets.
Here are other tips for using a food pyramid:
Choose a variety of foods from each major food group. This ensures that you get all of the calories, protein, vitamins, minerals and fiber you need. Choosing a wide range of foods also helps make your meals and snacks more interesting. Adapt a pyramid to your specific tastes and preferences. For example, a serving of grains doesn't only mean a slice of wheat bread. It can be long-grain or wild rice, grits, cornmeal muffins, or even popcorn.
Combine foods from each major group in a pyramid however you like. For example, you might make a meal of tortillas from the grain group and beans from the meat and beans group. Or you could top your fish with fruit salsa or serve steamed vegetables over pasta. The possibilities are endless. Select your meals and snacks wisely if you need to avoid all foods from one or more food groups. For example, if you don't consume dairy products because of lactose intolerance or for another reason, choose other foods that are good sources of calcium.
Create a daily menu following the pyramid guidelines. Emphasize foods at the bottom of the pyramid and limit those at the top. These sample menus show how the pyramid can help you plan your meals and snacks.
Wulan, 31 yos, live in Jakarta-Indonesia.
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